Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to the Philippines!!!

THE PHILIPPINES...the place of my birth, the birth of my life, and my life to share. To share to my fellow Filipinos, who lives in a foreign land, and friends from foreign lands who have never seen the country before. Perhaps there are those who may have lived here before for some times but have forgotten or have missed how it likes to live here again. Have you missed a lot? Or have you really forgotten what it feels like to live in a country like the Philippines. What is in this country that you miss so much? What is in this country that you want to know about? Do you really want to know?

To start with, perhaps you'd like to know something about our country, the Philippines. A visit to this site may help you a bit. Or may be this site Whichever you please, surely you learn something about our country.

With the hope that through this site, more Filipinos and foreign friends alike will appreciate more of the Philippines by bringing them closer to the country, if not physically perhaps emotionally.

Here is LIVING THE LIFE in the Philippines....

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