Thursday, May 30, 2013


Agawang Sulok 
(Get a Corner)

Number of Players:  5, 7, or 9
Where to play:  outdoors or gymnasium

A rectangular playground is marked off on the ground or floor.  Diagram A is for five players, B for seven players,  and C for nine players.
agawang_sulok_01.jpg (3523 bytes)
        All the players but one (the tagger)  stay in the corner and on the bases.  The tagger stands in the middle of the ground.  The players in the corners will try to exchange places by dashing across from place to place.  The tagger must try to secure a corner or base by rushing to any when it is vacant. 
        In order to confuse the tagger,  the players on the bases may leave their bases and suddenly rush back to them, as if stealing a base.  Whenever the tagger secures a base, the odd player becomes the tagger for the next game. 
        This game is sometimes called "Vende, Vende Candela."

Araw-Lilim(Day and Night)

Number of players:  10 to 20 or more players

    This game is played wherever there is light and shade.  It can be played on a sunny day or a moonlit night. 
    One player is the tagger.  He tries to tag or touch any one of the players who is in the light.  A runner saves himself from being tagged by staying in the shade. The one tagged becomes the tagger in the next game. 
    If many are playing, the game is made  more interesting by having two or three taggers at the same time. 

Bulong Pari(Whisper to the Priest)
10 to 20 or more players
Outdoors or indoors

    The players are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. One player is chosen to be the priest and two others to be the   leaders of teams and B.  The two teams stand in parallel lines facing each other.  The priest stands or sits in front of the teams at about five meters from the two teams.  The leaders of the teams stand at the head of the line.  

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    The leader of team A goes to the priest and whispers one of the names of  the players of the team B.  Then he returns to his place and the priest calls out, "Lapit!" ("Approach!")  One of the players of team B approaches him.  If it happens to be the very one whom the leader of team A mentioned, the priest says, "Bung!"  He then falls out of line and stays somewhere near the priest as a prisoner. 
    If he is not the one who was mentioned, he is allowed to approach.   He whispers to the Priest the name of one of the players of team A. 
    The game thus continues, and the team which has no player left is the loser. 
    PENALTY:  Each of the players of the losing team carries one player of the winning team on his back to and fro as many times as agreed.
    This game is also known in the Visayan region of the Philippines as "Honghonganay."

Iring-Iring(Drop the Handkerchief)
10 to 20 or more players
Outdoors or indoors

    All players but one stand or sit in a circle.  Everybody in the circle must look toward the center and must not turn to look back.  The odd player walks around outside the circle formation with a handkerchief which he drops behind one of the circle players.  He drops it in such a way that the circle player is unaware of it being dropped.  The seated players may feel behind them to check whether or not the handkerchief was dropped, or they will watch the one walking around, noticing if he still has the handkerchief in his hand or not. 
    Once the  circle player behind whom the handkerchief has been dropped becomes aware of the handkerchief, he quickly picks it up and,  as a rapidly as possible,  chases the one who dropped it.  If the player who dropped the handkerchief is tagged before he reaches the vacant place left by the one chasing him,  he must take the latter's place in the circle of players. 
    A player who does not discover that the handkerchief has been dropped behind him after one trip around the circle  is chased by the dropper.  He is struck with the handkerchief until he reaches his place.  Then the same handkerchief-player drops the handkerchief in the next game. 

Kapitang Bakod(Fence Tag)
10 to 20 or more players

    One player is chosen as the tagger.  Other players run from place to place and save themselves from being tagged by holding on to a fence,  a post,  or any object made of wood or bamboo. 
    When the tagger touches or tags any one of the players who is not touching any bamboo or wood, the player  tagged will be the next tagger.   If 30 or more players are playing,  it is advisable to have two or three taggers at the same time. 

Lawin at Sisiw(Hawk and Chickens)
10 to 20 or more players
Outdoors, gymnasium

            One player is chosen as the hawk and another as the mother hen. The rest of the players are chickens.   The chickens are arranged one behind the other,  holding each other's waists.  The hen leads the chickens and goes around in search of food.      

          The hawk meets them and tries to buy a chick from the hen.  The hawk asks the hen, "Will you let me buy one of your chickens?"  The hen replies, "Yes, choose anyone you like."  
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            The hawk sits down and chooses a fat one.  Finally,  after bargaining for the price, he pays the hen and takes the chicken with him.  He then takes the chicken off and asks her  to find grains of rice for his dinner.  When the hawk falls asleep, the chicken escapes and returns to the hen.  When the hawk discovers that the chicken had escaped,   he looks for her and chases her.  The hen and the other chickens prevent the hawk from catching the chicken. 
            If the hawk succeeds in catching the chicken,  he takes her again and punishes her by making her dig around for rice grains;  if he fails,  the game is started again,  and he tries to buy another chicken.   

Luksong-Tinik(Jump over Thorns)
4 to 8 players
Outdoors, gymnasium

    The players are divided into two equal teams.  Two players are chosen as mothers of the teams.  The rest of the players are children.   The mothers are supposed to be high jumpers,  for the object of the game is for players to able to jump the height of the hands placed one on top of the other without touching them. 
    The first to jump will be decided by the mothers, who toss a slipper or wooden shoe.  The mother who wins the toss will have the first jump,  and the other team players will be the taya (on base). 
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    Two players on the base will sit facing each other with their right feet touching.  The jumpers jump over the feet.  Then one hand is placed above the feet with palms and fingers open,  then another,  and so on until all the fingers are piled one on top of  the other.  Before an additional hand is placed all the players must have jumped over the file.  Oftentimes,  the hand of another player is placed at the gap to prevent the jumpers from jumping over it.  Sometimes, five hands are used and a fourth player is called upon to fill the file of the hands. 
    When the jumpers jump over the hands without touching the hands with any part of their body, or dress, the game is repeated and they will be the jumpers again.   If the mother's  "children" (rest of the team)  touch the hands while jumping over them, its is considered a "fault" (an error),  and the mother will jump for them.  But if it is the mother who fails,  then the team will have to take the place of the team on base. 

a.k.a. Tubigan or Harangang Taga
(Three Nights)
6 to 8 or more players

    The players are divided into two teams of equal number.  The ground is marked off in a rectangle about five to six meters, divided into four equal parts.  Diagram A is for 6 players,  B for 8 or more players.
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    Winning the toss entitles the players on that team to be runners.   The taggers stand on lines 1, 2, and 3.  Number 1 can go anywhere to tag the runners.  The objective of the runners is to get through all the lines (1, 2, 3) back and forth without being tagged.  Taggers 1 and 2 tag the runners as they cross their lines or as they get near them.  As soon as one of the runners crosses line 3, he returns to line 1 and calls out, "Tubig!"  This means a night (a point) is scored in favor of his team.  The team which scores three consecutive "nights" (or three points) is the winner, and will be the runners of the next game. 
    If a runner is tagged while crossing a line or while trying to cross, the teams exchange places. 
    1.  The losers carry the winners on their backs,  to and fro.
    2.  The winners pat the hands of losers 10 to 20 or more times.

PALO SEBO(Greased Bamboo Climbing)
2 to 10 or more players
    This game is played by boys during a town fiesta or on special occasions.
    Long and straight bamboo poles are greased and polished  to make them smooth and slippery.  Before they are set upright, a small bag containing the prize is tied at the end of every pole.   It usually contains money or toys.
    The contestants try to climb the poles to secure the prizes.  Anyone who fails to reach the top is disqualified.  The winner is the one who succeeds in reaching and untying the prize.  

PIKO or BUAN-BUAN(Hopping)
2, 4 or 8 players
Outdoors, gymnasium
If two players are playing, diagram A is used;  if 4 or 8 players, diagram B is used.
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Numbers 1, 6, 7, and 8 = buan (moon).  Numbers 2 and 5 = dibdib (chest).  Numbers 3 and 4 = pakpak (wings).  A flat stone, shell, or fruit peeling, is used for pamato (object to be thrown). 
The first player is determined as follows:  The players stand on the corners of the playground, and each one throws his or her stone.  Whoever succeeds in putting the pamato at the intersection of the diagonals has the first play.  The next nearest is second and so on.
Part I.  The players, before starting the game, choose their own moon.  The first hopper will begin in her moon.  She throws her pamato in her moon  and then hops inside and kicks the pamato out of the moon.  Then she throws it again in 2, then in 5,  and 6.  She hops in and kicks it out after each throw.  In hopping,   she hops on either left or right foot but lands on both feet when she reaches 3 and 4, and hops again on 5 and 6. 
Every player plays the game twice;   the first time he begins in his moon, and the second time in his opponent's moon.  When he is through, back and forth, then the second part is started. 
Care must be taken in throwing the pamato into their exact places, in hopping  and in kicking it out.  The pamato and the player's foot must not touch any of the lines.  Should the pamato or the player's foot touch the line, he stops,  and the other player will have his turn.  If the second player fails or makes a mistake, then player number one will resume the game. 
Part II.  The second part of the game is exactly the same as Part I, but instead of hopping, the player walks with his eyes looking towards the sky.  After throwing the pamato,   he steps in, without looking at the ground,  to take the pamato.  At every step,  he asks, "Have I stepped on the line?"  Should he step on the line,  the othe rplayer will have his turn.  The game goes on as in Part I. 
The player who finishes Parts I and II is the winner.
PENALTY:  The winner pats the loser's hand rather heavily from ten to thirty times according to the agreement.   This is called bantilan(patting).
Another kind of penalty is the following:  The winner blindfolds the loser and takes him to different places.   The loser takes a stick or hispamato with him.  He drops it at the command of the winner.  He is then moved about to many places in order to be confused before he is realeased to look for the stick or pamato.  This is called hanapan  (to look for something).  

5-10 or more players
Outdoors or gymnasium
Each player is provided with a large throw-away object (could be slippers or a  shoe) called "pamato".  An empty tin or plastic container (the size of an 8 or 12 oz. tins) is placed in upright position   6 or 8 meters from the throwing line.  A player is chosen as the prisoner, guarding the empty tin or container.
The other players stand at the throwing line.  They take turns  throwing their "pamato" at the empty tin.   Everybody tries to knock the tin down.  As soon as the can is knocked down, the prisoner must put back  the tin in upright position before he can tag the any of the players attempting to recover their "pamato".  The prisoner can tag the players while recovering their "pamato" within the throwing line only. 
After each throw, a player must recover his "pamato".  Should he be tagged by the prisoner before he reaches the throwing line, he becomes the prisoner in the next game. 

PUSA AT ASO(Cat and Dog)
10 to 20 or more players
Indoors or outdoors
A large circle is marked on the ground or floor.  At the center of the circle are sticks, slippers, and other objects which represent the "bones".  One player is chosen as the aso ("dog") and stays inside the circle guarding the "bones".  The other players, who are the pusa ("cats"), stay outside the circle.   The goal of the "cats" is to take the "bone" from the "dog" without being tagged or touched by him.  The "dog" may tag the "cats" with his feet or his hands, but he must remain seated by the "bones."
The "cats" may tease him by stepping in and out of the circle.  While he is busy trying to tag some of the "cats", others attempt to steal the "bones".  If the "cats" succeed in stealing the "bones" from the "dog" without being tagged, the same player remains as the "dog" in the next game.  If he succeeds in tagging any one of the "cats", the one tagged becomes the "dog" of the next game.

TAGUAN(Hide and Seek)
2 to 20 or more players
Indoors or outdoors

One player is chosen as the it.  He remains at a base determined by all the players.  The other players then hide, and when securely hidden, they call out "It!".   The it goes to search for them.  Those who are hiding may repeat the call at their own discretion.

The game ends when all of the players are found.  The player who is first found will be the new it (the searcher) in the next round.

5 to 10 or more players
Playground, gymnasium
One player is blindfolded with a handkerchief or a piece of cloth.  He is to be the it.  He is made to turn three times before he is left alone.  When all are ready, they call out "It!" or any other way to give some hints to  the it to search for the rest of the players through their  voices.  When the it hears the call, he tries to catch any one of the players, who are not blindfolded and make noises or sometimes touch and tickle the it.  They may keep silent, if they wish, in order to make him believe that they are far from him.  

When he succeeds in catching or tagging any one of the players, he exchanges places with him.  The one caught will be the it in the next game. 

TAWANAN(Laughing Game)
20 to 50 or more players
Outdoors or indoors

I.  All the players are seated around in an irregular order. Before the game starts, all agree as to which side of a two-sided object (a coin for example) should allow them to laugh or stop laughing. The leader tosses up a coin, and, based on the agreement of the rest of the players, the players should either laugh or stop laughing when the object lands on the ground.  This is an interesting game since the players start laughing, it would be very hard for many to suppress their laughter immediately if the coin lands on the side that the players are supposed to stop laughing.

II.  The leader tosses up an object and makes it a requirement that all must laugh while the object is in the air and stop as soon as it falls on the floor.  By varying the height of the throw,  laughter may be long or short. 

VIOLA(Straddle Jump)
2 to 10 or more players
Outdoors, gymnasium

One of the players is chosen as captain of the team, and another as taya (base player).  The rest of the players are jumpers.   Two parallel lines about five meters apart are marked off on the ground.  
The base player stands one foot from the starting line on which a base is placed.  He bends his trunk forward-downward and supports his body by putting his elbows on his thighs.  
The captain straddle-jumps over the base player, and the rest of the players do the same, one by one.  Whatever jump the captain takes, the rest will imitate.  After each successful jump by all the players, the base player moves a pace farther from the base.  Should a player fail to do what the captain did, or should he touch the base player with his feet while he is jumping, or should he fail to touch the base before he jumps, he becomes the new base player in the next game.

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