Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Enchanted River of the Philippines

The Province of Surigao del Sur is indeed full of surprises and the Enchanted River is the best of them.

Hidden in Barangay Cambatong, 30-45 minutes away from the town proper is the Enchanted River with color like the pepsi-blue..very deep and very clear. VERY MAGICAL ",)

Why enchanted?

Locals talk about the river being watched by spirits that is why no one swims there by 6 pm. In 1935, there were sightings of two strange women with long blonde hair and a man in green, who walked on the waters and disappeared. Occasionally, they appear before strangers or unwary locals and tongues would wag in quiet disbelief. (thanks SunStar :)

It was said that once an American diver tried to dive the depths but never reach rock bottom.

What was amazing also, and this even the locals cannot fathom why, was that although you can see many many big fishes in different varieties because of the clear waters, NO ONE has ever catch one - not by hand, by spear, or even by dynamite, or so they say.

Well, it would be up to us to believe in the stories. What's sure (and I know this for a fact having been to the place many times in the past) is that you wil truly be enchanted with the beauty of the river.. 

Another great thing about it is that the enhchanted river is actually very near the Hinatuan sea - which will explain its pepsi-blue color.

The Municipality of Hinatuan is 8 hours from Davao City and 4 hours from Butuan City passing thru Municipalities of San Francisco, Bagobo and Tagbina.

For those visiting the river and Surigao del Sur, never miss other wonderful places the province can offer also like Tinuy-an Falls in Bislig (the widest falls in the country), the surfing sites and beautiful places in Lanuza, cold springs in Cantilan, and the sooo delicious seafoods in the floating restaurant of Carrascal...

Surigao (whether the north or the south part) is one of the best places to visit in the country. :)


  1. The Enchanted River is really a gem! I really love to go there!

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